The Diocese and parishes have recently received questions and comments voicing concerns related to executive orders about immigration enforcement. To assist in responding to those questions, we have put together the following resources to post on your website and social media as well as share with your parishioners. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops continues to regularly communicate with the Administration regarding immigration and human dignity and will continue to do so as this pastoral need persists. As this is a fluid situation, we will update this information regularly, as we learn of new information.
The Church consistently recognizes a country’s right and responsibility to promote public order, safety, and security through well-regulated borders and just regulations on immigration. At the same time, all people have the moral obligation to refrain from denigrating any group of people, to provide humane treatment of the poor or others in need and to deprive no individuals of protection under the law. We pray that God will console and extend his grace upon all people who suffer regardless of their immigration status. For we hold to be true that God not only walks with His people, but also within them (Pope Francis).
Friends, in today’s Gospel, Jesus feeds the crowd of four thousand, which is a wonderful biblical illustration of what I have often called the loop of grace.